Rune Collection

Symbology and protection.
The Rune Collection was born from an unforgettable trip to Iceland.
Struck by this volcanic land rich in geisers and glaciers, Cristiana Perali creates a unique collection dedicated to ancient Celtic Symbology.
The Rune – from the Germanic “raunen” = ”to whisper”, was in ancient times painted on walls, stones, talismans and weapons and carried with it mystery, secret, magic.
Powerful naturalistic depictions of the forces of the Universe invoke the power of Nature in order to release the benefit related to each symbol.
Very simple, almost tribal representations, charged with a very powerful energy.
Happiness, Love, Health, Desire, Strength ……… enclosed in unique jewels, to be worn to adorn and wrap yourself in special protection.

The “Cristiana Perali” Runes:

Cristiana Perali RUNE Collection